Donald Trump’s Attorney Marc Kasowitz Hit With Ethics Complaints
He can’t tell White House aides not to get their own attorneys, say letters to disciplinary panels.
He can’t tell White House aides not to get their own attorneys, say letters to disciplinary panels.
Campaign for Accountability filed a complaint with the District of Columbia Bar alleging that President Donald J. Trump’s personal, attorney, Marc E. Kasowitz, may have violated District of Columbia Rules of Professional Conduct.
Representatives Louise M. Slaughter (D-NY) and John J. Duncan (R-TN) introduced the bipartisan Political Intelligence Transparency Act. Campaign for Accountability supports this legislation.
A congressman’s letter that helped push a New Jersey attorney to resign after her boss was told she was a grassroots “ringleader,’’ has sparked questions about how much an employer can clamp down on an employee’s activism.
An ethics watchdog claims Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen violated House rules by criticizing a local bank executive in a fundraising letter to her employer.
Campaign for Accountability asked the Office of Congressional Ethics to investigate whether Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ) violated House ethics rules when he warned a banking executive that a member of an activist group opposing the congressman worked at Lakeland Bank in New Jersey.
Free Speech For People and Campaign for Accountability filed an amended complaint with the Federal Election Commission demanding “an immediate investigation” into whether the Russian government illegally spent money to influence the 2016 presidential election, in possible coordination with the Trump campaign.