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Tar Creek audit points to wrongdoing in Superfund site contracts

Watchdog group Campaign for Accountability filed a federal lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency seeking the release of records involving the audits. Daniel Stevens, director of the watchdog group, said Monday they were pleased to see the released documents. The watchdog group is “still evaluating the documents posted online” in efforts to verify whether Hunter’s office released all the documents required by law.

New Lawsuit Targets EPA Over Audit Scott Pruitt Has Tried to Keep Secret

"The Campaign for Accountability (CFA), a DC-based watchdog group, has been seeking the release of the audit. Last fall, it filed suit to force the state to release the report, litigation that is still pending. And on Thursday it filed suit against the EPA to find out whether Pruitt may have used his position with the agency to keep the audit—and any wrongdoing it may have uncovered—from seeing the light of day. The new suit contends that the agency has failed to respond to Freedom of Information Act requests for documents concerning whether Pruitt’s agency may have coordinated with Oklahoma officials to keep the audit under seal—and whether EPA officials may have leaked a 2013 report by the agency”s inspector general that downplayed allegations of wrongdoing in connection with the buyout program. In February, several news outlets obtained copies of the report."

Google spends tens of millions on think tanks that back its policies

"A report seen by The Times examined the financial backing of five institutions in Britain and Europe. The academic groups also stage events that allow Google lobbyists to rub shoulders with ministers and policymakers who might not attend those run under the technology company’s branding. The report, compiled by a US watchdog, said that Europe was crucial to Google because the European Commission was the only regulator outside America with sufficient clout to cause the company to change its conduct."

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