Press Releases

Google Transparency Project Releases Database of 3,000 Grants Awarded to Academic Researchers by Google

On December 20, 2019, CfA released a new database of 2,951 financial awards made by Google to academic researchers working in both public policy and non-public policy-oriented disciplines. The database is a comprehensive, user friendly archive of all of the grants that Google discloses on its website. 

Watchdog Calls on HHS to Stop Providing Title X Funding to Anti-Abortion Group Obria

On December 17, 2019, CfA sent a letter to the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), Alex Azar, and Deputy Assistant Secretary for Population Affairs, Dr. Diane Foley, asking HHS to end Title X funding for The Obria Group, Inc., and its affiliated Obria Medical Clinics of Southern California (collectively Obria), an anti-choice religious ministry masquerading as a healthcare group.

Watchdog Releases More than Seven Thousand Government Documents About Anti-Abortion Groups and Crisis Pregnancy Centers

On December 5, 2019, CfA released the Themis Project’s Government Records Archive, containing more than 7,000 government documents consisting of tens of thousands of pages about anti-abortion advocacy organizations, crisis pregnancy centers, and government efforts to curtail reproductive rights.

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