Driverless car industry luring federal safety brass

"Google and federal regulators have tended to have an especially close relationship when it comes to driverless cars. The Obama administration, for instance, took an innovation-friendly approach that sometimes translated into 'regulators reaching out to Google asking them how to write the rules,' said Daniel Stevens, executive director of the Campaign for Accountability, a nonprofit watchdog group"

Watchdog Praises Adam Schiff’s Decision to Refer Erik Prince to DOJ for Lying to Congress Following CfA’s Complaint

On April 30, 2019, CfA released a statement praising House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff’s decision to refer Erik Prince to the U.S. Department of Justice for lying to Congress. CfA previously called on Congress to refer Prince for criminal investigation on March 8, 2018.

Watchdog Releases Report Revealing North Carolina Lawmaker Jason Saine Introduces Bills to Benefit Campaign Donors

On April 25, 2019, CfA released a new report, Jason Saine: Hired Gun, revealing that North Carolina State Representative Jason Saine– one of the top fundraisers in the North Carolina legislature – appears to have repeatedly introduced favorable legislation for the benefit of his campaign donors. CfA’s report details nine previously unreported examples of Rep. Saine’s apparent pay-to-play behavior, which in turn provided him with campaign cash he used to fund an extravagant, high-flying lifestyle.

April 17, 2019 In The News, Themis Project

New Filings Show Phone Campaign In Anti-Socialist Effort May Cause More Headaches For Organizer

"[Campaign for Accountability] now wants Kania to be removed as treasurer of the Susan B. Anthony List, an advocacy group that opposes abortion rights. The List is a nonprofit, and previous tax filings identify Kania as its treasurer. Federal Elections Commission reports show he also serves as treasurer for one of its political committees. That fund spent $755,797 on national political activism last year, according to data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics."

Watchdog Calls on Susan B. Anthony List to Remove Pittsburgh Businessman Robert Kania from Board of Directors

On April 17, 2019, CfA sent a letter to the Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List), an anti-abortion advocacy organization, calling for the removal of businessman Robert J. Kania, Jr. from his position as treasurer of SBA List and its affiliated entities: the Susan B. Anthony List, Inc. Candidate Fund and the Women Speak Out PAC.

Interior IG to Review CfA’s Request for Investigation into Acting Secretary Bernhardt’s Relationship with Former Client

On April 2, 2019, CfA announced that the Office of Inspector General at the U.S. Department of the Interior confirmed it is reviewing CfA’s request for investigation into Acting Interior Secretary David Bernhardt and his relationship with his former lobbying client, Westlands Water District, an agricultural conglomerate in California.

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