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TTP Investigation: Facebook Leans on States to Monitor Election Disinformation, but Provides Insufficient Tools

According to emails obtained by TTP through open records requests, Facebook representatives offered various state officials customized dashboards on CrowdTangle, a Facebook-owned social media metrics tool, to track instances of voter interference and report their findings to Facebook.

Watchdog Files Complaint with Federal Authorities Calling for Investigation of HUD Official for Potential Hatch Act Violations

This year, Patton solicited the participation of four tenants of the New York City Housing Authority to participate in a video praising the President which aired at the 2020 Republican National Convention. If this video, made solely for the purpose of advocating for the election of a political candidate, is found to have been created using resources obtained through Ms. Patton’s public office, it would be a clear violation of the Hatch Act.

TTP Report Details Google’s Exclusive Access to Government Airfield Within Minutes of Company Headquarters

The sweetheart deal between a Google-affiliated company, H211, and the government dates back to 2007, when Google promised to pay a lease, and help NASA collect atmospheric data in exchange for landing rights at the field. However, flight data reviewed by TTP shows far more flight activity from private planes used by Google executives than from the single fighter jet used to by Google to satisfy the minimum requirements laid out in the scientific portion of the lease agreement.

August 14, 2020 Press Releases, State Oversight

Campaign for Accountability Calls for Investigation of Former Florida State Representative for Potential Violation of District Residency Requirements

Today, Campaign for Accountability (CfA), a nonprofit watchdog group focused on public accountability, sent a letter to Florida House of Representatives Speaker Jose R. Olivia calling for an investigation to determine whether recently resigned state Rep. James W. Grant violated the law by failing to maintain a residence in his district while serving in the Florida House.

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