Medical Face Masks are Widely Available for Sale on Social Media Platforms Despite Promises to Ban Sales
More than 130 Facebook Pages Advertise the Sale of Face Masks
More than 130 Facebook Pages Advertise the Sale of Face Masks
On March 12, 2020, CfA released a report identifying eight videos of the gruesome Christchurch, New Zealand, massacre that are still on Facebook despite the company’s promises to remove them.
On March 4, 2020, CfA released a new report, "Broken Promises: Sexual Exploitation of Children on Facebook," revealing that pedophiles are widely using Facebook to sexually exploit children, despite Facebook’s promises to address the problem.
On February 27, 2020, CfA filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, seeking documents responsive to two FOIA requests regarding the anti-choice Obria Group and its affiliate Obria Medical Clinics (collectively “Obria”) concerning their administration of funds they received through the Title X family planning program.
On February 24, 2020, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued a ruling upholding the Trump Administration’s policy barring federally funded family planning centers from referring women for abortions.
On February 20, 2020, CfA filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, seeking documents responsive to four FOIA requests regarding the Title X Family Planning program and the Teen Pregnancy Prevention program.
On January 23, 2020, CfA released the 2018 and 2019 Title X applications for The Obria Group, Inc. (Obria), an anti-choice religious ministry masquerading as a healthcare provider.
On January 15, 2020, CfA released a new report, "Fake Feminists for Hire," revealing how the anti-abortion, anti-LGBTQ group Concerned Women for America (CWA) has been declining over the past decade, while simultaneously partnering with well-funded dark money groups to amplify conservative causes that appear to be unrelated to its mission.
On December 20, 2019, CfA released a new report documenting the deep, and longstanding alliance between Google and the Koch political network.
On December 20, 2019, CfA released a new database of 2,951 financial awards made by Google to academic researchers working in both public policy and non-public policy-oriented disciplines. The database is a comprehensive, user friendly archive of all of the grants that Google discloses on its website.