Watchdog Requests Investigation into Arizona Rep. Mark Finchem for Violating State Campaign Finance Law

Today, Campaign for Accountability filed a complaint with Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs requesting an investigation into Arizona State Representative Mark Finchem (R-Oro Valley) for violating state campaign finance laws by requesting donors send funds intended for a political action committee to his personal Venmo and PayPal accounts.

Watchdog Asks House Ethics Committee to Provide Guidance Regarding Abuse of Proxy Voting

Today, Campaign for Accountability sent a letter to the House Committee on Ethics asking the committee to issue guidance as to the proper use of proxy voting, first adopted by the House in May 2020. The request is in response to 13 members of the House using the pandemic as an excuse to skip in-person votes to attend the Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando, Florida.

TTP Investigation: Facebook Targets Washington Crowd Ahead of Zuckerberg Testimony

Today, the Tech Transparency Project, released the results of a month-long project tracking Big Tech’s sponsorships of newsletters targeted to Beltway insiders. TTP found that Facebook, currently amid a public-relations push promoting Section 230 reform, among other things, sponsored at least one major Beltway newsletter every weekday from the start of February through the first week of March.

February 23, 2021 Press Releases, State Oversight

Watchdog Requests Investigation into Arizona Rep. Mark Finchem for Violations of Financial Disclosure Laws

Today, Campaign for Accountability filed a complaint with Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs requesting an investigation into whether State Representative Mark Finchem (R-Oro Valley) violated financial disclosure laws by failing to disclose a $6,000 payment the Trump campaign made to his company, Mark Finchem, PLLC, for consulting in support of the former President’s election fraud lie.

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