November 20, 2019 In The News, Themis Project

Prominent Anti-Choice Group Aided Propaganda Campaign Against Planned Parenthood

By: Helen Christophi, Rewire.News, November 20, 2019

A national anti-choice organization with close ties to the Trump administration helped activists launch a smear campaign against Planned Parenthood, a watchdog group announced Monday.

Click here to read the documents showing Americans United for Life’s involvement with the Center for Medical Progress.

Americans United for Life (AUL) provided “extensive support” to the scheme launched by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), the anti-choice front group that attacked Planned Parenthood, with doctored videos falsely accusing the reproductive health-care provider of trafficking fetal tissue, according to court documents published by the Campaign for Accountability (CfA), a watchdog organization that tracks the inner workings of anti-choice groups.

Read the rest of the article here.