An Anti-Choice Group Misspent $50,000 on Religious Material. North Carolina Wants to Give It $400,000 More.
By: Amy Littlefield, Rewire.News, July 11, 2019
Last year, Rewire.News revealed that anti-choice pregnancy centers in North Carolina illegally bought religious propaganda with federal funds. State regulators vowed in response to strengthen oversight and moved to recoup the misused money.
Human Coalition calls itself a “ministry,” and its volunteer application asks if applicants have made “a personal profession of faith in Jesus Christ,” according to the watchdog organization Campaign for Accountability, which called on DHHS in March to end its contract with the group. In reports to DHHS on how it was using its 2019 state grant, Human Coalition said it was connecting clients to “spiritual support” and had referred at least one client to a “faith community.”
“It’s hard to say what the non-religious purpose of that would be,” Alice Huling, counsel at the Campaign for Accountability, told Rewire.News. “When you have any state or federal money that is coming from taxpayers of all persuasions that is then being funneled into an institution that is using that money to promote a particular religious ideology, that is just diametrically opposed to how our government is supposed to work,” she said.